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Helping Business and Organizations meet their Sustainability Goals

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Businesses and organizations desiring to become more sustainable may not have the resources to hire a full time trained sustainability professional.  Sustainable Engineering LLC can evaluate your products and processes to find ways to reduce energy consumption through conservation and renewable practices.  Following a measurable process with the goal to improve a business’s triple bottom line serving people, planet, and profit. Our team focuses on reducing an organization's environmental impact, saving money, and providing an industry comparison.  We can be your business or organization’s sustainability professional.

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Grant Funding for New Mexico Rural Businesses and Agricultural Producers

There are many challenges facing rural communities and agriculture producers, and we plan to help those communities across the State of New Mexico by providing technical assistance to apply for the USDA Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) Grant allowing them the opportunity to receive 50% project funding, use less energy, produce less waste, and produce their own energy through energy efficiency, biofuel, and renewable energy technologies. The end goal being for our clients to reduce their operational costs and save money. We provide all services below free of charge through the USDA Technical Assistance Grant (TAG) program by helping clients identify the most cost-effective projects and apply for funding opportunities.


  • Energy Assessments​

  • Assistance with REAP Grant Application ​

  • Upgrade Building Equipment​

  • Use Process Waste to Create Biofuels


Please click on the link below to see if you qualify for our TAG service and the REAP grant.

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A New Mexico Business


 Reduce Your Energy Usage and Save Money

Interested in installing renewable energy and energy efficient products? Implementing an effective Energy Management System (EnMS) is a crucial first step when considering the question above and may lead to energy savings without the installation of new equipment. We are a ENERGY STAR and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) 50001 ReadyTM Program partner helping lead businesses and organizations to improve their competitiveness and reduce operational costs. We utilize ENERGY STAR along with ASHRAHE energy assessments to help you design and implement your EnMS that closely tracks energy use, prioritizes energy efficiency opportunities, and helps to continually improve energy performance. ENERGY STAR and 50001 ReadyTM is a way to kickstart and build a leading-class EnMS.


For more information about 50001 ReadyTM and resources available to you such as the 50001 Ready NavigatorTM Tool, click below to be redirected to the DOE's and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's website.

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Improve Your Triple Bottom Line With Energy Cost Savings and Emission Reductions

Businesses and organizations desiring to become more sustainable can’t afford to hire qualified full time specialists educated in sustainability and renewable energy.  Sustainable Engineering LLC can work with your business and evaluate your products and processes to find ways to reduce your energy consumption through conservation and sustainable practices.  Your business can reduce its carbon footprint and likely save money using renewable energy.  We will be your sustainability expert providing business optimization tools to save money while reducing your carbon footprint.

Image by Hannah Busing


 Sustainability for Nonprofits, Municipalities, and Schools

Organizations provide a wide variety of services, and even though your mission focus may not be sustainability, you certainly want to promote earth healthy practices to your members.  Sustainable Engineering LLC can work with you to improve upon your processes and services to find ways to reduce your carbon footprint and enhance sustainable practices.

There are a number of sustainability grants available for non-profit organizations supporting the under-served.  We can help your organization discover and apply for these opportunities.



Energy Independence and Grid Resiliency

Every energy evaluation is viewed as a microgrid. The utility grid is simply another energy source along with solar, storage, genset and any other available power generating resource.  Energy conservation can also be considered an energy resource.  Negawatt-hours (1) is energy unused through the deployment of energy efficiency strategies. We pair HOMERTM and HelioscopeTM to perform design and optimization services. Every opportunity is on the table to reduce your carbon footprint and energy bill.


(1) Negawatt-hour coined by Amory Lovins, 1985

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Equitable Solar With Cost Savings at Economies of Scale

Less than 50% of businesses and residences can install solar PV systems to generate power due to limitations through ownership rental agreements or geolocation restrictions like rooftop shading.  Community solar systems are typically sized to benefit from economy of scale pricing.  We will work with your community, county, and state regulators to develop win-win-win scenarios for the individual, the community, and the environment.

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Optimization of Renewable Energy Systems

There is a wide variety of clean energy technologies available for differing industries and locales. Wind energy is most efficient in utility scale projects, but there are some locations where small scale wind power can be a viable option. Hydrogen has the potential to solve problems that renewable energy alone can’t. Industrial processes like steel manufacturing, cement production and chemical manufacturing like ammonia synthesis are all carbon intensive processes. Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations are a great way to compliment solar PV carports and to attracted customers and employees with EVs. We can analyze your location utilizing industry proven models to determine emplacement feasibility.

Interested in learning more? Get in touch with our experienced and professional Sustainability Consultants at

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Interested how we can improve your triple bottom line?  We would be happy to tell you more about what we can do for you.

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Our privacy policy is simple.  We only use information to answer your direct questions. 
We never sell your information, period.

Photos courtesy of Unsplash artists: Macau Photo Agency, Matthew Henry, Gonz DDL, Luca Bravo, Ant Rozetsky, David Cristian, APPA, Pete Wright, Jan Huber, John Moore, Jan Huber, Zixi Zhou, University of Oxford


©2024 by Sustainable Engineering LLC

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