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  • Randy Rankin

I walked into an interesting breakfast conversation over the holidays about climate change. “Dad, you recently graduated with a degree in renewable energy, what exactly should we be doing now about climate change?” The question caught me before coffee, and I didn’t have a succinct answer. “It’s complicated” was the best I could reply, but after coffee I reengaged. Indeed, resolving climate change is complicated, and the solution complex. There are three simple things that can be done today requiring no new technology:

#1 - Stipulate Energy Efficiency

Through simple building and transportation maintenance and repairs we can make a significant impact to greenhouse gas emissions that are driving climate change. These changes don’t happen by accident and that is part of the reason Sustainable Engineering has partnered with the DoE 50001 Ready Energy Management Program. And guess what, it’s free, and you can make the commitment to start this week.

#2 - Curtain Methane Emissions

Pound for pound, methane (natural gas) released to the atmosphere contributes 25x more to climate change than CO2. There are numerous anthropogenic (human caused) sources of methane. New satellite sensors are showing oil & gas drilling for one, is releasing far more methane than the EPA ever predicted. Expeditious reduction of methane emissions will buy us time to incorporate renewables into our energy supply.

#3 - Electrify Everything (reasonable)

As energy users, we need to electrify our energy use. This includes transportation, water heating, HVAC, and industrial process electrification. By doing this we create the demand that the utilities can efficiently supply.

What are your Three Things to do today towards Sustainability?

This is just the tip of the iceberg and there is so much more that I’ll leave for other posts. We would like to hear your opinion for “three things” to do today for resolving climate change. You can submit reply to this post on our LinkedIn page or use the Contact Us button.

  • Randy Rankin

Hello! My name is Randy Rankin one of two partners at Sustainable Engineering LLC. Adam Dirth and I have a long list of topics we plan to blog in 2022 and beyond. You can read our bios in the About section of our website. We are renewable energy advocates and climate change backers. More than anything, we are sustainability activists and believe sustainable systems influence a much broader scope in our society than any one science or technology topic.

In 2022 we will focus our topics on energy management systems which are primarily based on energy efficiency, but don’t be surprised to find posts on current topics in renewable energy technology, microgrids, energy modeling and optimization, energy issues in agriculture, waste management, and climate change.

We intend for each of our blogs to be informational based our experience, but occasionally we will provide personal opinions primarily because fact filled posts can be dry, plus you may learn a little more about us.

We are mirroring these posts in an abbreviated form on LinkedIn. If you would like to provide your feedback or counter post, feel free to go to our Sustainable Engineering LLC company page or send us a note using the Contact Us button.

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